Potto Japan APP
1. Learn Japanese
Don't just translate Japanese, learn it! One of the biggest initial hurdles to living in Japan is learning the language. Potto provides a variety of resources to help you on the lifelong journey of learning Japanese. Here are a few things that Potto can do:
1a. Word search: Potto has extensive dictionaries that can translate into and out of Japanese with a wide variety of languages.
1b. Kanji search: You can search for kanji by building up using radicals, and then combine those kanji to search for complex compound words.
1c. Audio transcription: If you have an audio file in Japanese, you can upload it and get it transcribed into text. From there, you can review the text and extract specific words that you don't know.
1d. Text from image: If you have a picture with Japanese in it, you can upload it and the Potto will highlight the words and from there you can search for the meaning of the words you don't know.
1e. Flashcards: Words, grammar, or other concepts that you encounter in Potto can all be added to flashcards and reviewed using a
2. Japanese games
Japan has its own set of word games that are popular and played by kids and adults alike. In Potto you can play Shiritori, a game where you string words together based on the last character of the word your opponent provides.
3. Japanese Culture
Whether you are trying to work with city hall to update your registration, or need to understand the local trash pickup schedule, Potto has helpful tools for you. You can interact with Mentors and ask questions not just about language, but also about what it's like to live in Japan.