Potiguar APP APP
With the APP you have our entire portfolio that brings together the best brands in the market, in the palm of your hand, 24 hours a day.
It is possible to search for products by trade name, substance, or filter by industry, and you can also check the image if it really is the product you are looking for, check the lot and expiration date. You assemble the order, check if everything is correct, and when you send it to our company, you will receive an email with a copy of the order made.
In addition to the App, you can buy directly through our e-commerce site
https://www.onlinepotiguar.com.br and if you want you can download our ELECTRONIC ORDER available on the website.
Supplying your pharmacy with Potiguar Farmacêutica's multiple platforms has become the best option on the market to provide autonomy, agility, economy and security.
Download, install and use one of the best App in the national drug distribution.
You will not let go of him.