PosterMyWall APP
Manage all your social media marketing and email marketing campaigns from our powerful app. There’s no limit to what you can create with PosterMyWall - get started for free!
Discover millions of professionally designed templates
✨ Get inspired with a huge library of customizable templates including social media posts, videos, reels, email marketing, menus, flyers, posters, logos, and so much more.
✨ Create designs and download for free
Easy-to-use design and video editor
🎨 Remove image backgrounds in a click
🎨 One-click to resize any design for free!
🎨 Bring your designs to life with animations, stickers, and audio
🎨 AI Subtitles – Add automatic subtitles for videos and audio tracks
🎨 AI Images – Create images from text with AI
🎨 AI Voice - Turn text into high-quality audio
🎨 Millions of stock images, videos, and audio.
🎨 Streamline your marketing schedule with 🗓️ Content Planner
🎨 Brand-ify your designs instantly with Brand Kits
Awesome social media marketing tools
🪄 Connect and publish posts to Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube (Shorts) – at the same time
🪄 Social media scheduler auto publishes to all your platforms
🪄 Use AI to generate thumb-stopping caption options
🪄 Auto-resize adjusts posts to multiple platforms’ dimensions
Run brilliant email campaigns
📩 Customize emails from a huge library of curated templates
📩 Design fast with our drag-and-drop HTML email editor
📩 Create email sign-up forms to grow your lists
📩 Measure email performance and download reports
Work as a team and save big
There’s more! Treat your team to seamless collaboration. Enjoy huge discounts as you add more seats.
Level up your marketing with Premium
A Premium or Premium Plus subscription unlocks unlimited high-res image and video downloads, social media scheduling, and AI tools like Background Remover and AI Images, Content Planner, and Brand Kits.
Have questions? Contact us:
📞 Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @PosterMyWall
📞 Email:
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