Policlin Saúde APP
This application was created to facilitate the information between Policlin Healthcare and its clients.
Policlin Health has created this application to offer greater practicality in accessing the information of your plan.
The App offers:
Medical Guide: Where is the address of all doctors and clinics accredited to perform consultations and various examinations (according to the contractual coverage of your plan).
Own Network: In it you can consult all the units of the Policlin Group in the cities of São José dos Campos, Jacareí, Taubaté and Caçapava.
Favorites: Favorite doctors and accredited clinics of your choice and access this list quickly anytime, even without internet.
Virtual Card: With this card you can access your ID card data, and receive an agile and safe service, in case you forget the physical card.
Also have greater convenience when you have access to the main links of Policlin Health Medical Assistance:
• Policlin Health and Policlin Group sites
• CIB - Beneficiary Information Center
• Ombudsman
• Telephone for contact
• Abramge
• ANS - National Agency of Supplementary Health
If you have not found the necessary information in this application, contact the Beneficiary Information Center, Monday through Friday, from 08h to 18h at (12) 2139-2589.
E-mail: cib.psaude@policlin.com.br
Access the Policlin Group Fanpage and have daily health information: