Platinum Planner APP
Planner is for EMS, Allied Health and Nursing Professions, it provides online skill tracking, scheduling, reporting and much more!
Student Features:
Clinical Opportunities
- View, sign up for and create clinical opportunities.
- Document a clinical opportunity including entering time, notes, preceptor information, and patient information.
- Complete any associated forms.
- Upload images from your camera and attach them to an opportunity.
- Click on the PIN icon to open clinical sites in location aware applications like maps or driving apps.
- Ability for a preceptor to give a digital signature right from the app!
- View, sign up for and create labs.
- View upcoming labs, document current labs, or review documentation from completed labs.
- When documenting labs, students will be able to document their skills and complete any forms associated with the lab.
- Peer review other classmates labs.
- Upload images from your mobile devices camera.
- Peer review other classmates scenarios.
Preceptor Features:
- View and complete training in the app.
- Upload documents to your training.
Student Documentation Review
- Review and complete student documentation.
- Return student documentation.
- Upload additional documents/images to student documentation.
- Sign off using your signature on student documentation.
- Preview student documentation during the student's shift.
- Manage students from multiple schools.
Other Features:
- Option to work offline then sync data when you have an internet connection available.
- Sync upcoming opportunities and labs directly to your calendar.
- View current classes along with their details.
- Sign up for any additional classes available for your course.
- View your progress report and see your overall skill status of your course.
- Badge notifications showing the total number of labs, scenarios, opportunities, and items which need to be sync'd.