Some people might want to open multiple WhatsApp account in same device or same WhatsApp account in multiple devices then this is DOWN TO EARTH for them

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Whatzweb Pro 2018 APP

Some people might want to open multiple WhatsApp account in same device or same WhatsApp account in multiple devices then this is DOWN TO EARTH for them. You can use same WhatsApp account in multipledevice or multiple WhatsApp account on same device.

Whatzweb Pro Features:
- read WhatsApp message
- message to other user
- change WhatsApp status
- change WhatsApp profile picture
- download images/videos

Why I Need Whatzweb Pro?
- open more than one WhatsApp account in the same mobile.
- open one account in more than one devices.
- parental control other WhatsApp account

How to use WhatzWeb Pro:
1 open Whatzweb Pro application on your mobile.
2 open Preferred Whats-App.
-- on Android: in the Chats screen > Menu > Whats-App Web.
-- on Nokia S60 and Windows Phone: go to Menu > Whats-App Web.
-- on iPhone: go to Settings > Whats-App Web.
-- on BlackBerry: go to Chats > Menu > Whats-App Web.
-- on BlackBerry 10: Swipe down from top of the screen > Whats-App Web.
-- on Nokia S40: Swipe up from bottom of screen > Whats-App Web.
3 scan the QR Code on Whatzweb Pro 2018.
4 enjoy!

Note: Whatzweb Pro 2018 is not official WhatsApp Application or not associated with WhatsApp and/or WhatsApp Inc.. This Application is just for public interest, for easily spy/parentalcontrol/monitor/knowledge purpose only. This Application is using web interface of official WhatsApp website only.
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