Photopea Editor Tool APP
#Why Photopea?
It is a free application for advanced online photo editing. It works with both vector and raster graphics so that you can work with files in various formats. It has available the most essential tools of Adobe Photoshop.
Key Features:
- All the files save in RGB in 8 bits and work well in this format
- It works in all kinds of computers, tablets, and phones. A mouse or stylus will obviously make thing simpler
- It works on all operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, and even Chromebook or Android or iOS.
- Usable file types include: PSD, JPG, PNG, Sketch, RAW, PDF, XCF, SVG, TIFF, GIF, TGA, etc.
- Import from web
- Import-Export Option
- Cloud Storage
- Built-in Templates
- Revision Control
- Social Media Integration
- And More
Available tools:
As you’ll see, it has many of the basic characteristics of Photoshop:
- Editing with layers
- Editing with masks and intelligent objects
- Selections and transformations with layers
- Brushes (basic and intelligent).
- Text
- Vector editing
- Actions, scripts, guides and snapping
- Color spaces
- Slices
- Animations
- Color settings (brightness, contrast, saturation).
- Transform tools
- Batch Editing
- Auto Select
- Filters
- Swatches
- and more
Create a New Project or open existing files from your computer and edit your project according to your needs. Save your work as PSD (File >> Save as PSD) or as PNG/JPG/SVG/GIF/More (File >> Export as).