Przejdź na przejażdżkę na Karma. Dotknij na żywo widok z pobliskiego Karma warkotem.

Ostatnia Wersja

28 wrz 2017
Google Play ID
100 000+

App APKs

Passenger APP

Go for a ride on Karma. The GoPro Passenger App lets you use your phone to tap into the live view from a nearby Karma drone and see what it sees. You can also control the camera while the pilot focuses on flying.

To learn more about Karma, visit

--- Key Features ---
+ Watch the live, first-person view from Karma.
+ Control camera tilt, modes and settings.

--- How to Connect ---
1. Ask the Karma pilot to turn on the Passenger App feature on their controller.
2. Connect to the controller’s Wi-Fi with the name and password from the pilot.

--- System Requirements ---
+ Android (4.2 or later) with 5GHz Wi-Fi channel support.
+ Stay close to the controller to ensure a reliable connection. Range will vary based on your phone.
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