BATLE VILLAGE is an online multi-player shooter game tournament

Ostatnia Wersja

10 sty 2020
50 000+

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Battle Village APP

BATLE VILLAGE is an online multi-player shooter game tournament arrranged with up to 100 players fighting in a battle royale style.
Instant competitions have created a buzz in the battle village.

Strategizing for effective gameplay is becoming the norm among players across all levels.It rests on the foundation of tactical decision-making
pertaining to resource management, stealth, co-ordinated attacks and much more. The circle of arena reduces as time passes creating tense and fast-paced gameplay. It also sports an anti-cheat system called BattlEye which prevents gamers from using any mods or aimbots.

The ultimate task is to remain alive until the very end in this death match.
you can choose to battle solo, duo or with a squad of four. Gear up and make the ammo rain!


- battle village is india biggest tournament app because daily 20 to 30 match avialable and price is very high.

prime user & Customer ads

-battle village app prime user also means you also create your match in battle village app and earn lots money

-battle village app also takes ads of your businness in app

-in battle village app all ongoing match live stream on youtube and enjoy see all fight see

battle village comes with two unique subscription packages, prime user and your ads . battle village prime gives you unrestricted access
to create your ulimited match tournament and create your match result,

The battle village ads includes . you put your business ads on battle village app in cheap rates, in addition to Latest American TV shows and blockbuster Hollywood movies
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