Arabization wszystkich urządzeń z systemem Android za pomocą jednego kliknięcia

Ostatnia Wersja

3 gru 2016
50 000+

App APKs

تعريب الهواتف APP

Are you who buy devices from Asian countries or Western did not find the Arabic language in the menus?
The application enables you to re-activate the Arabic language in all Android devices that support this language.
If you do not have your root on your phone, changing the language in the Android protected devices in versions of Android modern 4.2+ permit, and is granted only for the applications of the system, so if you're familiar with how to use Android adb tools, you can give permission cross-linking your device to a PC and run the following command, if your device is available on the Root Valttbaiq you can do to change the language without the need to activate this command:
adb -d shell pm grant com.jkdevandroid.arabiclanguages ​​android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
To indicate some American agencies and the Chinese are not available to support the Arabic language so that it is permanently deleted, the application remains unchanged valid only for applications that support the Arabic language, such as Google Apps, Vaspock and Twitter ...
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