Pick Smart - lottery APP
The app uses colors to indicate the balls most probable to be drawn thus allowing you to compose a set that is likely to win. By showing you the numbers to pick from, and the ones not to pick, the app substantially increase your chance of winning at MegaMillions and PowerBall.
* PROBABLE BALLS: Provide guidance in selecting the balls that are likely to be drawn for Megamillions and Powerball.
* GENERATE SETS: Manually generate or auto-generate by 5 or 10 at a time.
* EASILY MANAGE SETS: Allow you to save sets and easily manage them.
* MATCHES: Identify the numbers in your save sets that were actually drawn in the draw day, and show you payouts info to determine the value of a set from your saved sets.
* LATEST RESULTS: Display drawing results for Megamillions and Powerball as soon as they are available form the official sources.
* HISTORY: Display history of drawing numbers for Megamillions and Powerball.