Physics Pro APP
"Force and Motion I";
"Force and Motion II");
"Kinetic Energy and Work";
("Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy";
"Center of Mass and Linear Momentum";
"Rolling, Torque and Angular Momentum";
"Equilibrium and Elasticity";
"Waves I";
"Waves II";
"Temperature, Heat and the Fist Law of Thermodynamics";
"The Kinetic Theory of Gases";
"Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics";
"Coulombs´s Law";
"Electric Fields";
"Electric Potential";
"Current and Resistor");
"Magnetic Fields";
"Magnetic Field and Due to Currents";
"Electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternnating Current";
"Maxwells Equations, Magnetism of Matter";
"Electromagnetic Waves";
"Photons and Matter Waves";
"All About Atoms";
"Conducting of Electricity in Solids";
"Nuclear Physics";
"Energy from the Nucleus";
"Quark, Leptons and the Big Bang";