Convert photos into 8-bit style pixel arts using AI learning.

Latest Version

Sep 11, 2022

Photo to 8bit using AI - Pto8 APP

The app that can convert your photos into 8-bit style pixel arts. Instead of simple reduction, AI learning can generate 8-bit arts like a real retro-game.

** App Feature List **
- Converts photos into 8-bit style by AI learning
- Select image (png, jpeg) from your SD card
- Launch external camera and take a photo
- Output 8-bit images in various sizes
- Monochrome conversion by palette
- Retro game style conversion by palette
- Add and save custom palettes
- Save generated images to the device
- Share generated images on SNS, etc.

** Basic usage **
1. Select a image or take a photo
2. Set output width & height (optional)
3. Select a dithering method (optional)
4. Select a palette (optional)
5. Convert photo into 8bit art!!
6. Save or share the output image

** What'S dithering methods? **
The following five dithering methods can be selected to perform 8-bit art conversion.
- none (fast)
- naive (fast)
- bayer (fastest)
- floyd (slow)
- atkinson (slow)
If you want to convert a larger image to 8bit, choose none/naive/bayer to save time.

** What's Palette? **
Palettes are used to limit the number of colors or colors used in 8-bit style conversion. The palette can be used to create unique pixel art such as 8-bit + monochrome, 8-bit + retro game style, or 8-bit + sepia style.

** FAQ **

Q. I don't want the background to be automatically removed when converting to 8-bit. Is it the same with this app?
A. NO!!! There is no such annoying feature that may confuse users. However, there is a possibility that the background removal function will be implemented as an option in a future update.

Q. I understand that this app uses AI learning. So how long does it take to convert a photo to 8 bit style?
A. It depends on the image size. In most cases it takes less than a few minutes, and as early as 30 seconds. If it takes too long, try reducing the original image to half its size.
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