Photo Exif & Metadata Editor APP
Photo EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) files store important data about photographs. Almost all digital cameras or mobile phones create these data files each time you snap a new picture. An EXIF file holds all the information about the image itself — such as the exposure level, location, time & date, etc.
Use this app to view and analyze the metadata of photos and images.
Also providing you with valuable technical details, such as camera settings, location information and timestamps.
And also Remove, Edit and Update selected Exif data directly from the app.
App Features :
- Allows users to view all the EXIF data associated with their photos.
-- Like camera make and model, exposure time, focal length & location information with latitude & longitude when image was captured.
- Also use it to remove, edit & update specific EXIF data from their images.
- Save the edited photo without effecting the original picture file.
App can be useful for protecting your privacy when sharing photos on social media or the internet.