Permute App - Calculator cum U APP
Permute app updated the conversion rate in every 15 min.
it also holds the history of your task for your future use but if you don't want to permute to do so, you can clear the history with one click.
if you are not used to with the conversion abbreviates then you can go to permute's navigation menu with the left swipe or long press of equal to sign and just type the Unit which you want to get the abbreviations as well as use that unit too.
Units Types Available:
✓- Currency and cryptocurrencies
✓- Temperature
✓- Weight
✓- Length
✓- Area
✓- Volume
✓- Speed
✓- Time
✓- Fuel economy
✓- Power
✓- Energy
✓- Force
✓- Torque
✓- Pressure
✓- Digital
✓- Convert between historical and modern dollars: find how much $15 in 1945 is worth today
✓- Scrollable and selectable history of operations lets you recall both previous queries and results
✓- Operator keys intelligently disable to prevent syntax errors
✓- Dynamic font sizes keeps your numbers large and on screen
✓- Parenthesis matching will automatically be highlighted a matching parenthesis set
✓- Smart parenthesis automatically close without causing an error
✓- Implied multiplication added between numbers and parenthesis
✓- Fully editable display allows for editing the middle of an input
✓- Copy, cut, and paste operations fully supported
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