peopleHum APP
From candidates to employees to customers. See how hire, engage and nurture right for better business results actually works. Reinforce your decisions with data, insights and analysis, all with easy onboarding and integrations. peopleHum is meant for leaders to always keep their people engaged and aligned to business goals and results.
Hire Right
Now hire-right, effectively using automatic resume parsing, probability scoring, bottleneck remediation and more. A full fledged application tracking platform that provides you with insights and synopses to efficiently hire people that will succeed in your organizational culture.
Engage Right
Pulse check your employees, measure NPS and CSAT, find out about their complaints, track and resolve them, give your team a voice. Spur ideation with Idea Exchange, create tasks for follow through and much more. With the power of machine intelligence at your fingertips.
Nurture Right
Set SMART goals for your employees. Evaluate performance and trend for the best performing teams and individuals. Reward and recognize your people. Discover what differentiates your organization, find levers that work for improving engagement and business results.