People Card APP
You can keep all your business cards in one place. You no longer have to lose space in your wallet. You will never forget and you will not waste any time looking for the business card you are looking for. You can search and categorize your connections quickly based on your requirements.
People Card help you to :
Discover People
Share your card
Recommend your card OR Someone's card to someone.
Scan Business Card
Personal Card Mode (Personal Profile)
Business Card Mode (Business Profile)
Request People
Followup Request
Add Reminders
Share Reminders
Send Reminders
Manage Cards (Cards Library)
Help you to Manage your connections Based on Recent meets, Scan Card, Star Card, Your Custom Library, and Blocked People.
Scan BusinessCard
Scan tons of business cards with the help of AI and save them instantly with 100% accuracy, and share them if required.
Discover People
Helps you to personalize your feed, to find people based on your interest by adding #tag keywords.
Live Event
Represents your profile in an ongoing event, and watch people LIVE who have joined the same event physically and virtually and helps you to contact them by clicking on the profile directly on the map. (Showing your location live on a map depends on your choice.)
Personal Card | Business Card.
Personal Card allows you to create your personal | Business Profile based on your personal area of interest and allow you to share your card in a third party or the same app with your friends or someone new you meet.
Request People
Allow you to secure your contact details and allow you to provide access to someone you want to.
Helps you to text and send images to the connections you have made and also allows you to respond to follow-up and reminders.
Add Reminders
Allows you to set reminders with date and time, and allow you to share and send reminders to other profiles.
We prioritise not to share any information of our user to any third party or any of our personal use.
Developed in India.
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