PC Bio Unlock APP
Supports Windows and Linux.
Get the desktop application: https://meis-apps.com/pcbu
Check out our GitHub: https://github.com/MeisApps
Windows features:
- Unlock the Windows logon/lock screen
- Unlock the UAC prompt
Linux features:
- Unlock sudo
- Unlock polkit (pkexec)
- Support for GNOME, GDM, KDE, SDDM, LightDM and Cinnamon
Pairing methods:
- Wi-Fi
- Bluetooth (requires Wi-Fi for initial pairing)
There is a Pro version with additional features:
- Auto unlock (when the phone is in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth range)
- Wearable notification (allows unlocking from a watch)
- Unlimited devices
During the pairing process, a random key is generated to encrypt all traffic between your devices.
This key is not accessible to normal users. Your credentials are encrypted and stored on your phone.
Additional notes:
To pair, both devices must be on the same network or Wi-Fi. The pairing server uses port 43295 by default. If you are using a custom firewall, you may need to add a rule for this port.
The pairing process can be cancelled at any time by pressing Ctrl+Alt on the PC.
Wake on LAN is also supported and a widget is available.
Having problems? Please visit https://meis-apps.com/pc-bio-unlock/troubleshooting