PatientsLikeMe APP
Key benefits include:
Actionable shared knowledge: Explore first-hand reviews, ask questions, and get support to uncover the best care approach for YOU, while sharing your experience to help others.
Belonging and camaraderie: Connect with peers 24/7 who have been in your shoes to build a support network with zero judgement. Foster resilience and increase motivation to achieve your health goals.
A path forward: Feel empowered to make the best healthcare decisions to manage your condition effectively.
At PatientsLikeMe, we understand that each of you has unique needs when managing your health effectively. We hear you, and we value your collective voice. So we've adapted our mobile experience to meet you where you need us most on your healthcare journey. From customizable reminders to help manage medications or helpful tips from peers to help prepare for your next medical appointment, PatientsLikeMe is here to empower you to take control of your health journey.