Patient Tracker APP
Patient tracker is an Android Tab application which can be used by doctors and nurses to collect data of their patients to track patient’s general information.
** This app is absolutely free to use. **
Also information related to their medicines and vital signs by saving it every time when a patient visits them. All data is saved locally by application so nurse/doctor can check their patients’ last assessment status, their assessment records and medicines assigned to them along with its dosage-schedule at any time whenever they want.
Features of Version 2.9.1
- All the patient data and records are stored locally on the device and not transmitted or stored on server or cloud storage
- Performance improvements and minor bug fixes.
- Latest SDK version support.
- Enhancement for better user interface and upgraded designs
Features of Version 2.4:
Thanks for valuable feedback, we have included possible changes in this update -
1. Log Physical details of patient
2. New compact UI for prescription view
3. Changes in schedule drugs: time interval will be up to 10 and assign dose for medicine. New UI for assigned medicine.
4. More details for medical background.
5. Add unlimited images, time and test result in lab report
6. Line charts for Vital sign assessment details.
7. Import / Export medicine with CSV format.
Features of Version 2.3
Added User Feedback and support to editing of Existing Assessments.
Features of Version 2.2
Features of Version 2.1
- Pain Assessment.
- Blood & Sugar Assessment.
- Share Patient Details via email.
- Past Disease Details Management : Manage Disease info + Date affected by Disease & Consulted Person (Doctor).
- Manage Events : Manage upcoming events like Patients Next Check Up Date / Conduct Lab Test etc.
- Export Medicines : Export all the medicines Added in the application and send via email.
Features of Version 2.0
- More user friendly and attractive design
- Included feedback from existing users to make assessment form more easy to use
- Add category support for medicine and patients
Features of Version 1.1
- Nurse/Doctor can add various medicines data which they prescribes to their patients.
- Nurse/Doctor can add Patient information (Name, Gender, Birth Date, Patient current condition)
- Nurse/Doctor can assign medicines to patient with its dosage-schedule.
- Nurse/Doctor can track patients vital sign information.
Pl. give your valuable feedback through the form available on the app to keep improving this app.