Panorama Map APP
Your location can follow the recorded route by fake GPS function.
- Map type is sellectable from road map, satellite image, hybrid and terrain.
- Marker can be located by long tap as landmark
- It can display the trail you passed.
- The trail can be saved and loaded any time.
- The trail distance is displayed.
- The steps for walking is calculated.
Follow the Route:
- Automatically move on the route.
- Moving speed can be changed.
- Your phone location also moves by fake GPS function.
- Display the address of current location.
- Quikcly search the location you want to go.
- It can be selected between rotating along with streetview or facing north.
- Screen size is sellectable from a fourth to full screen.
- If you change the the direction of Streetview, the map also rotates to the same direction.
- You need a permission for location information to the app.
- You need to enable development option for playing the "Follow the Route":
1. Find the Build Number option.
Android 9 and higher: Settings > About Phone > Build Number
Android 8: Settings > System > About Phone > Build Number
Android 7 and lower: Settings > About Phone > Build Number
2. Tap the Build Number option 7 times.