a diagnostic tool to analyse the derranged humour.

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Dec 24, 2023
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Panchapatchi calc APP

Mobile and windows apps have become inevitable part of human life style and its usage already crossing desktop usage apps are going to push the human race forward in terms of every aspect of life [1] . Considering Healthcare apps, these are nothing short of a boon for the entire healthcare industry and everybody is drawing huge advantage from this technological marvel [1] . App designed to assist physicians throughout the diagnostic process could provide support for busy clinicians, and could prove useful in their real clinical practice and also could benefit patients by providing timely care [2] . Siddha system of medicine is one of the traditional medicines in India mostly prevalent to southern part of India [3] . According to ‘13 Siddhar naadi nool, ’those who have knowledge in jothidam, panchapatchi, pranayamam, agasthiyar books is a siddha physician [4] . Among these "Panch-Patchi Shastram" is a unique system of Vedic astrology, propounded by ancient Tamil Siddha Saints thousands of years ago [5,6] . Pancha stands for five and Patchi stands for Bird.The Panchapatchi system has some resemblance to the Pancha-Bootham (Five elements) system of Vedic Astrology. It is believed that the Five Elements represented by five birds, influence and control all the actions of human beings. These five birds take their turns in a special sequence and radiate their powers during day and night. The power that takes effect first on a day or night and the sequence that follows depends on the day of the week and the Paksha (waxing half or waning half cycles) of the Moon [6,10] . The five birds in the Pancha- Patchi Shastra are: Vulture, Owl, Crow, Cock and Peacock These birds engage in any one of the following five activities at any given time: Rule (Arasu), Eat (Oon), Walk (Nadai), Sleep (Thujil), Die (Saavu). The birds are considered most powerful when they rule and least powerful when they sleep and die. Rest of the three activities are graded in between accordingly [7,11] . Each day is divided into 2 segments of 12 hours (30 Nazhika). Each segment is further divided into five equal portions called Yaama (6 Nazhika) and given to different activities of the birds [7,9] . Thus, there are 10 Yaamas (major time-slots) in total, within 24 hrs, five during the day-time segment and five during night-time segment. Activities performed by birds during these major time slots are called their 'major-activities'. Each major time slot ('Yaama') is of about 2hrs and 24 minutes duration [6,9] . First the sunrise of a particular day is observed, based on this that day will be divided into 5 saamam daytime and 5 saamam night time (1 Saamam – 2 hours 24 minutes; day divided totally 10 saamam). Then the day of the week as well as phases of moon (Waxing - valarpirai or Wanning - theipirai) will be obtained. Based on day & phases of moon (valarpirai/ theipirai) order of birds and its action sequence will change.The corresponding sequence of actions of birds will be chosen. Based on consulting time, Saamam, order of birds and order of actions is tabulated and bird of Thuyil and Saavu is noted. The bootham which represents action of Thuyil & Saavu of birds will be noted. Panchapatchi can be used to get an idea of everything that is happening in one’s life. It is not only a prediction tool; it is used in diagnosing disease by comparing ruling birds with bhoothas and mandalams in body
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