A virtual paint rack for miniature, hobby, and wargamer painters!

Latest Version

Mar 13, 2025

App APKs

paintRack APP


LIBRARY: track your paints with over 25000 paints from top brands!
SETS: create custom paint SETS (or recipes) for your models
*WISH LIST: helps you track paints you need
*RAPID SCAN: most bottles can be added by scanning bar codes on bottles
*COLOR TOOLS: will help you find the best matching paint colors

*Available in Full Version

Supported paint lines include:

- Abteilung 502
- Aero Color (Schmincke)
- AK Interactive
- Alclad II
- AMMO by MIG Jimenez
- Andrea Color
- Apple Barrel
- Archive-X
- Army Painter (Warpaints)
- Badger Minitaire
- Battlefront (Colours of War)
- Citadel
- Coat d'Arms
- Colour Forge
- Createx
- Cuttlefish Colors by Cephalopod Studios
- Darkstar
- DecoArt
- Delta Ceramcoat
- Dirty Down
- Folk Art
- Forge World
- FREAKflex
- FW Inks
- Gaianotes
- GarageKits.US
- Golden
- Green Stuff World
- Hataka
- Humbrol
- Instar
- Italeri
- Jo Sonja's
- Kimera Kolors
- Lifecolor
- Liquitex
- Metalsmith
- Mindtaker Miniatures
- Mission Models
- Model Master
- Molotow
- Mr. Hobby (Gunze)
- Mr. Paint (MRP)
- Nocturna
- NuWorlds
- P3 (Privateer Press)
- Pactra
- Pokorny (Dwarf Forge)
- Pro Acryl (Monument Hobbies)
- Reaper
- Revell
- Scale Modellers Supply
- Scale75
- Secret Weapon
- Stynylrez
- Tamiya
- Testors
- TTCombat
- Two Thin Coats
- Turbo Dork
- Vallejo
- Villainy Ink
- Warcolours
- Wargames Foundry
- Winsor & Newton

Developed by board/table top gamers, and one of the developers is an award winning Golden Demon Award '94 North America winner!

In-app colors are approximate, usually as provided by manufacturers.
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