Painani GAME
Run and carry important messages to the empire!
Remember each message and deliver it to the next paiani without changing any of the meaning!
Painani is:
+An educational videogame on language and communication.
+About reading comprehension.
+Directed to children of middle and upper ,primary school (from 8-12 years of age).
+Available to be played in Spanish and English.
Pedagogical content
+This videogame seeks to excite children about reading through messages transmitted between various people (relays) until they reach their final destination.
+Concepts: reading comprehension, exploration and comprehension of the natural and social world.
+If you would like to know more about the pedagogical content of this videogame, see our Lab Tak learning site (
Inoma is a Mexican, non-profit organization that supports education via free, educational videogames: TAK-TAK-TAK. All videogames are aligned with the basic education curriculum of the Ministry of Education of Mexico. These videogames are available and can be played on our platform with a user name and password.
Paiani was financed with the support of a WeWork Creatros Award Mexico and was developed by Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.