Page1 Fitness APP
View- Review your program and any tasks scheduled by your coach from your personal device.
Track- Instantly track and record sets, reps, and notes from your training session.
Share- Message your coach through the Page1 Fitness app and share any questions or comments you have about your training.
Mobile/Desktop- Everything listed and saved on the Page 1 Fitness app will be automatically uploaded to your desktop login.
Accountability- Your coach will have the capability to manage your training from your Page1 Fitness App and send out reminders to complete tasks.
Results- Ability to generate a graph of complete history of sets, reps, weight, and notes for every lift you have previously recorded.
Schedule- View your weekly schedule set by your coach, "checkin" and complete via the Page1 Fitness app.
Record Exercises- Record and upload videos of your training for your coach to review and give feedback.
Food Diary- Record all nutritional information throughout the day for your coach to review and make suggestions if needed.
Progress Photos- Securely upload progress photos for only you and your coach to view.
Key Features:
-Mobile access to training program
-Record results
-Message your coach 24/7
-Receive notifications about your program
-View your weekly training schedule
-Record and share live exercises
Take the next step to reaching your goals and download the Page1 Fitness app!