Outbuster APP
The vocation of the service is to give access to the diversity of the works circulating in the world and little present elsewhere. On Outbuster, you will discover award-winning films in festivals, real successes on their territories of origin (blockbusters in Korea or Brazil for example ...), movies that crystallize desires to see on social networks, movies that you will not be able to see anywhere else.
At Outbuster, we think that cinephilia is like oenology: in the same way that we do not need specific skills, an obscure lexicon or a particular training to enjoy a good wine, we We also do not need to enjoy a good movie. All our films are therefore popular in the most noble sense of the term: they are addressed and are accessible to all!
Our catalog of nearly 200 films favors the selection and renewal of the unfathomable depth of topics that you can never fully explore. So we schedule a new movie a week (usually Wednesday) + a special box on Friday for movies really out of standard ...
Moreover, we have no algorithm of recommendations because we consider that the curiosity should not be constrained and that the best discoveries are always by surprise! We have nevertheless set up a system of "tags" by desires that will allow you to navigate and refine your searches in our cave Ali Baba :)
Do not hesitate and take the risk of being surprised! Stream our movies, wherever you are, on mobile or tablet and even your TV with Chromecast, thanks to our free download application ... The first month is free without commitment, you would be wrong to deprive yourself :)
NB: we do not have the means of Netflix or Amazon, we rely only on those who love us to make us known. So if you do or will be part of it, and hopefully, do not hesitate to talk about it around you. #spraythelove