Our Treasure Hunt GAME
Use our platform to create treasure hunts in your neighborhood or anywhere and publish the hunt to share with the whole world, or keep to you and your friends.
Our website: https://www.ourtreasurehunt.com/
First, create an account -- this identifies you on the platform and allows you to author new hunts. Then, browse available treasure hunts for you to try out. Hopefully, there is one or more near you. (If not, it's up to you to create one!) Select a hunt, go to its location and play the game. You solve one clue after another using the clue text and the game map. Solve all the clues and you win!
The app also features a map of all hunts, distinctive artwork, pages for profile, completed games, leaderboards, game rules, browsing hunt details, reviewing hunts, reporting problems and more.
You can create new hunts on your phone starting from the app, or at your desktop with a web browser.