With this application you can manage your car park in the best way.

Latest Version

Apr 20, 2020
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Otopark APP

VEHICLE ENTRY: By choosing an empty location in your parking lot, you specify where the vehicle of the customers coming to your parking lot will be located, except for your subscribers. It also allows you to see your vehicle comfortably on the parking page by entering the license plate after the location selection process. In the Description section, you can enter any information you want, such as customer telephone information. This field is optional.

        VEHICLE OUTPUT: Except for the vehicles of the subscribers in your parking lot, you can perform the exit operations of the vehicles in your parking lot. You can exit the vehicle by selecting the location to exit the vehicle or by entering the plate yourself.

        PARKING: You can see the vehicles or locations in your parking lot. From here you can add a new location from the page (Parking manager only). By touching the empty locations, you can go to the vehicle entry page for the location you selected or delete the location you touched. By touching the full location, you can go to the vehicle entry page for the vehicle at the location you have touched, or add services to the vehicle at the location you have touched. "
        ADD SUBSCRIBE: You can add new subscribers to your parking lot. Mandatory information to be specified is Name, Surname, Telephone, Plate, Location and fee information that are defined specifically for subscribers in your parking lot. Total fee from the fee information is defined by the parking lot manager on the settings page and is set as the default fee. This fee information can be changed by the administrator from the settings or if you want to be specific to the subscriber you are adding, you can change it yourself without the need to change the settings.

         SUBSCRIBERS: Parking Name, surname, phone and license plate information, you can touch the button in the detail for more information. To update the subscriber information, you are directed to the update page by touching the pencil-shaped button.

       SUBSCRIPTION RENEW: You can renew your subscription from this page to your subscribed customers. The subscription period of the subscriber whose renewal period is renewed will be the period defined on the settings page. You can easily delete and update subscribers from this page.

        PAYMENTS: You can see the amount you collected from your parking subscribers or you can make a collection transaction. Collection transactions of subscribers that have been paid in full have been closed.

        FEE LIST: You can make the amount that the vehicles have to pay during their stay in the parking lot from this page.

        SERVICES: You can define the service you have provided in your car park and specify the amount to be received in return for this service. (Example: Car Wash 20₺)

       NOTIFICATIONS: It is the page where the users who made an offer to the parking lot manager to register in the parking lot appear. Only the parking manager can see this page.

        STAFF: You can see all the personnel registered in the parking lot and you can delete the personnel from the system.

        STAFF MOVEMENTS: You can see the vehicle entry-exit operations of your staff.

       STATISTICS: By specifying the date range you want, you can reach the earnings and customer information in this date range.
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