OTO Navi - Sound Navigator APP
●How to use OTO Navi●
It’s three easy steps: 1. Search for the book / 2. Download the audio material / 3. Play it!
1. Search for the book
You can easily search the database for the target book by either entering a keyword (title, author, or ISBN) or scanning the bar code (or QR code) on the book you own. If searching by bar code, scan the upper bar code of the two printed on the book’s back cover.
2. Download the audio material
You can download either the full set of audio material for the book, or just the sections you want. If downloading the full set, you may want to use a WiFi connection.
3. Play it!
OTO Navi offers several handy playback features to aid your studies, including 3-second skipping back/forward and repeating of a single track, a single section, or all sections.