Organic Harvest APP
Organic harvest is at the verge of transformation from a chemical farming ecosystem to an organic farming ecosystem where challenges are a plenty starting from the acceptance of the cost of organic farming by the farmer followed by the acceptance of the cost of organic produce by the consumer in an organic farming ecosystem, were no external aid comes in help other than the consumer and the farmers themselves. Well, we have tried to even the odds and do the best as we can as farmers, to build the trust in terms of the organic originality and the price that does not blow your kitchen.
We at organic harvest deliver organically grown produce accountably and digitally through our dedicated deliveries only, to maintain the organic authenticity of the produce and the stocks. Your purchase at Organic harvest will motivate more farmers to practice organic farming and this will help us to bring more varieties of organically grown produce at no extra cost free home delivered.
So here’s your turn to decide upon whether to keep paying on for food and medicine or just pay it once as your food as medicine at a much lower price of life and money.
Organic harvest™ App is at the basic version of its development and you may expect many more features and offerings with time to come.
We would love to hear your suggestions and complains to improve our service and produce quality. Please do write to us at or call or whatsapp at 9407972355. Stay connected with us at organicharvestapp@instagram