It collects games under some restrictions.
Games are related to the field of sports and physical activities, and are categorized using a useful taxonomy.
The game collection was done so that user finds it useful, attractive when applied in real situations.
The App team tries to make a real, unique and complete reference in this field.
Interested persons could either use this MOBILE application where they have the opportunity to upload their own games, by that they will get a private control panel where they could manage their account via computer. So they can upload a game either here or by using a private control panel on PC.
This application provides also a flexible communication with our Team of experts using a live chat functionality.
You can sign in as user or as member. Members can upload their own games.
Each new added game will be rewarded buy 1 point. Points will be converted to dollars. This will encourage users to contribute actively. Our team via this application, aims to reach users all over the world, for that it was created so that it supports more than 20 languages.
The targeted population includes P E teachers, Sports trainers, Sports managers, Sports students, Athletes, Gyms supervisors ...and any who is in physical activities field.
Special privileges may be granted for active users or member: like being one of our World Wide team of experts, annual meeting with full board accommodation, airlines tickets and pocket money.
Check the google play store and you will find it UNIQUE .