Open It APP
Open It! Allows building and condominium owners to grant access to authorized visitors and employees.
Strengths of Open It!:
-Open it! Replace the physical remote control with a digital remote control installed on your smart phone.
- To access the APP, user authentication is required in advance.
- The Open it! it is non-transferable and cannot be copied or cloned, thanks to its coding and encryption technology used.
- Open it! is friendly, intuitive, fast, secure and easy to use.
- Allows you to open your door or gate from the comfort and safety inside your vehicle.
- This APP guarantees access only to authorized persons within the system, to access the building or condominium.
- Saves time by allowing you to open the door without having to search for your keys or physical remote controls.
-Easy to use as it only requires users to select a door from the list displayed on their phone.
-It is flexible and can be used by a variety of users, including residents, visitors, and employees.