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Jan 16, 2020
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Open Audiobooks & eBooks APP

Free Audiobooks offers unlimited access to over 10,000 free audiobooks. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet to listening and read. The Free Audiobooks app includes listings books, You can listen, read and control it on notification, lock screen. You can use the feature search to find the favorite audiobooks. The Free Audiobook app makes it easy to find the book you want.

Top categories of Free Audiobook
Top 100, Children, Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery

More category
Adventure, Advice, Art, Ancient Texts, Animals, Biography, Classics(antiquity), Comedy, Cookery, Dramatic Works, Economics, Epistolary fiction, Essay/Short nonfiction, Fairy tables, Historical Fiction, History, Horror/Ghost stories, Humor, Instruction, Languages, Literature, Memoirs, Music, Myths/Legends, Nature, Non-fiction, Philosophy, Play, Poetry, Politics, Psychology, Romance, Religion, Satire, Science,Science fiction, Sea stories, Short stories, Spy stories, Teen/Young adult, Tragedy, Travel, War stories, Westerns

Most popular authors of Free Audiobook
Jane Austen, Dostoevsky, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Wodehouse, James Joyce, Aesop, Victor Hugo, HG Wells, Plato, Jack London, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Hardy, Premchand, and others

★ The App discovers best free audio books of all the time: Pride and Prejudice, Sherlock Holmes, Republic, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and so on

★ If you are an English learner, you can read the textbook and listen to an audiobook at the same time to improve your English listening. Learn English by Audio Books includes list of popular books and a list of short books which suitable to expand your vocabulary and improve your English listening.

★ You can download the books so you can listen whenever you want.

Loyal Books is an extensive collection of classic audiobooks read by volunteers; the goal is to record every book in the public domain. Loyal Books is audible for anyone to listen to on your iPhone, Android, computers or to burn onto a CD.


* More than 10.000 free audio books including text book from Gutenberg.
* Stream or free download to listening/reading offline.
* Choose day, night reading modes, select font size.
* Pick up right where you left off.
* Chapter navigation, bookmarking.
* Browse by genre or search for specific keywords.

Top month free audible books

Pride and Prejudice, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Sherlock Holmes, Tale of Two Cities, Picture of Dorian Gray, The Iliad, Emma and so on

Top Learn English audiobooks

Andersen's Fairy Tales, Grimms' Fairy Tales, Adventures of Pinocchio, English Fairy Tales, New Arabian Nights, Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night, Frog Prince and Other Stories and so on

Top categories

Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Adventure, Science fiction, Christmas, Short stories, Love stories, History, Poems, Poetry, Travel, Detective, and many more!

★ Get started listening and reading English audiobooks today!
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