Onitsuka Tiger Official App APP
▼ Member Information Registration
Register as a member to receive tailored information.
▼ Membership Card
Present your membership card when shopping in-store to earn points, and check or use your points as you shop.
Enjoy original content from Onitsuka Tiger, including interviews and snapshots.
Feel the immersive craftsmanship and enduring stories behind our creations.
Discover seasonal recommendations, new arrivals, and featured items. Enjoy online shopping from our curated selections.
Find items by category or brand and shop online with ease.
▼ Store Locator
Use "Search from Current Location" to find nearby stores or explore our "Store List" to view stores by region.
【About Location Information】
To help you find nearby stores or receive relevant information, this app may ask for permission to access your location. Please be assured that your location data is separate from any personal information and will only be used within this app.
【Copyright Notice】
The content of this app is owned by ASICS Japan Corporation. Any unauthorized copying, citation, transfer, distribution, alteration, modification, or addition of this content is strictly prohibited for any purpose.