Onam Stickers 2022 APP
We provide stickers on Happy Onam stickers, Onamshamsakal, Athapookalam, Onam Pookalam, Pulikali, Maveli stickers for Onam, Thiruvathira Stickers, Onam Greetings stickers, and more. Try out the Onam WhatsApp Stickers app now and celebrate Onam with our cool stickers.
How to add stickers from Onam Stickers 2022 Android app on WhatsApp
- Install the app
- Open the app and select or choose the pack that you would like to share on WhatsApp
- Tap "Add to WhatsApp"
- Done, now you can share Onam stickers with your friends on WhatsApp
Features of Onam Stickers:
- Easy to use
The app is very easy to use that helps to add stickers to your WhatsApp
- Easy to share
Can share the onam sticker pack on WhatsApp easily
Note: All users who are using the latest version can add our WAStickerApps stickers
Content Policy:
* We do not host, create or upload any of images. All stickers are drawn images by our designers and have no watermarks and to the best of our knowledge are bought under license from respective websites. If you are the owner of any of the image and want to be given credit for your work or want it out of the app - just send us an email and we will take care of it immediately. Please contact us at support@zerobulb.com if you notice copyrighted content, for DMCA notices or if there are other concerns.
Not working properly? Please update your WhatsApp version from Play Store to the latest version. On some phones, stickers might disappear after you add them. To fix this, please disable battery optimization for Malayalam Stickers from battery settings. You can also expect the Malayalam Animation Stickers soon from us.
Disclaimer: This application is not associated with WhatsApp Inc. in any way and is developed and maintained by a third party.
Credits: https://www.zerobulb.com/privacy-policy-malayalam/#credits
Happy Onam to all and wish Onashamsakal greetings with your loved ones.