WHO Anthropometry, Cerebral Palsy Growth Charts, Down, Neonates (Fenton and more)

Latest Version

Nov 2, 2021
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✅ Height, Weight and BMI curves for boys and girls with CEREBRAL PARALYSIS are presented, stratified by the GMFCS, with level V divided into those that require a feeding tube (TF) and those that do not (NT). Published by: Jordan Brooks, in Pediatrics 128 (2): e299-e307.

✅ Accurate calculations of the Z-Score and the Percentile, Based on DAYS OF LIFE, (date of birth and date of evaluation) up to 18 years of age.
✅ Precise calculations of the Z-Score and the Percentile (WHO) that reflect the difference between length and height, discriminating whether the measurement was made LYING DOWN OR STANDING.
✅ Growth curves for the premature according to FENTON 2013 INTERGROWTH-21st and OLSEN 2010 (Day by Day)
✅ Growth curves according to the WHO (Day by Day)
✅ Growth curves for patients with DOWN Syndrome (Month by Month)

✅ The linear growth standard has a part based on length (0 to 24 months, lying down) and another on height (over 2 years, standing).
✅ This Application is in charge of generating the curves and THE INTERPRETATION quickly for the indicators of Growth in the pediatric age; In addition, it accurately calculates the Z-score for the indicators Weight/Age, Height/Age, BMI/Age.

💻This application was designed and programmed by Gerson Rodriguez Quintero, Pediatrician from the Universidad Del Norte, Colombia. Please contact me if you notice any discrepancies:
📱 https://wa.link/pnp5nn
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