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Feb 21, 2024
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Olim Bola GAME

“Olim bola” - bolajonlar uchun qiziqarli bilimlar olami
 Bolajonlar uchun bilimlar olamiga qiziqarli sayohat!

14 ta interaktiv ovozli bo'limlar:

1. Alifbo va tajvid
2. Namoz muallimi
3. Suralar va duolar
4. Robbimni yaxsi ko‘raman
5. Suyukli payg‘ambarimiz
6. Payg‘ambar va bolalar
7. Payg‘ambarimizning as’hoblari
8. Payg‘ambarlar tarixi
9. Duo qilishni yaxshi ko‘raman
10. Ramazon keldi, ro‘za keldi
11. Hajga ketyapman
12. Hikoyalar
13. Ertaklar
14. Kutubxona

Hamda, bolalar uchun aqlni charxlaydigan 15 xil o‘yinlar mavjud.

Trafik hamda xarid haqida:
- Ilk yuklanganda 300 mb dasturning ichki fayllari alohida yuklab olinadi
- Shuningdek, video darslarda ham sozlamadagi video sifatiga qarab 3 GB dan 7 GB gacha yuklash kerak bo'ladi. Video sozlamalarda ularni yuklab yoki yuklamay onlayn tomosha qilishni tanlash mumkin.
- Dastur bilan tanishib bo'lgandan keyin bir martalik to'lov bilan uni to'liq nashridan doim foydalanish imkoniyati paydo bo'ladi.
- To'liq nashri xarid qilingan bir akauntdan 10tagacha jihozlarda oila a'zolaringiz bilan foydalanishingiz mumkin.

"Olim bola" is a world of interesting knowledge for children in Uzbek language
An exciting journey into the world of knowledge for kids!
14 interactive teaching books:
1. Alphabet and Tajweed
2. Prayer teacher
3. Surahs and prayers
4. I love my Lord
5. Our beloved Prophet
6.The Prophet and the Children
7. Companions of the Prophet
8. History of the Prophets
9. I like praying and reading Quran
10. Ramadan has come, fasting has come
11. I am going to Hajj
12. Stories
13. Fairy tales
14. Library

Also, 15 different learning games for kids

“Olim Bola” is a world of interesting knowledge for children (in Uzbek)

A fascinating journey into the world of knowledge for children!

14 interactive voice sections:

1. Alifba and Tajvid
2. Namaz muallimi (how to read namaz)
3. Suras and prayers
4. I love my Lord
5. Our beloved prophet
6. The Prophet and the Children
7. Companions of the Prophet
8. History of the Prophets
9. I like to pray
10. Ramadan has come; fasting has come
11. I go to the Hajj
12. The stories of the prophets
13. Tales
14. The library

Another 15 different games for children.
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