Oktopost APP
Easily share content to your LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram accounts on the go from your Oktopost account.
What is Oktopost?
Oktopost is THE social media management platform for B2B marketers. Our platform enables marketing teams to manage, measure, and amplify their social media activities. Take the power of Oktopost on the go with our iPhone/Android app.
What can you do with the Oktopost Mobile app:
- Post to LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram accounts from one place.
- Schedule posts to any Oktopost social campaign
- Take photos and share them from your photo library
- See a birds-eye view of your social editorial calendar
- View post performance
- Manage your connected social profiles
Oktopost is available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Web, and other phones and tablets.
Don’t forget to check out our Employee Advocacy App!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/oktopost/
X: @oktopost
Facebook: https://facebook.com/oktopost
Email: info@oktopost.com
More info:
Terms of service: http://www.oktopost.com/terms
Privacy policy: http://www.oktopost.com/privacy