We are available deals point in Dr. Martens Shop, London Calling, Okirokku that FC deployment!

Latest Version

Jun 24, 2024

App APKs


UeSawaTsu Takashi (Kamisawatsu Takashi) "is the official app of the" Corporation Okirokku "to operate.
In addition to the information and point service of the store,
Above Sawatsu is rockabilly band "MAGIC" and information of solo activities that serve the vocals, also will deliver guidance of the CD and collectibles!

★ London Calling regular handling goods
"Dr. Martin," "Fred Perry" "George Cox" "Good Rockin '," "SAVOY" "Royal Pussy" and others, UK purchase select products such as

■ What you can do with this app ■

Push notifications will deliver the latest information.
From each store, new products and handling, rockabilly band "MAGIC" and Kamisawa Tsutakashi information of solo activities, will deliver a CD and goods information.

- to each product purchased at each store, it will put the point to match the price.
Accumulated points are available on your bill after the next time.

And distribution deals coupon that can be used in each store!
The new coupon will be announced in a push notification.
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