Ogeo Manager APP
The information is necessary for the growth of any organization, whether the communication is effectively increase the chances of capturing the attention of users.
Why use oGeo Manager:
- EASY HANDLING: oGeo Manager is managed via mobile, tablet or PC, thereby facilitating the submission.
- ENRICHED NEWS: accompanies your news images, PDF, documents and even links geolocalizando information to facilitate access to it. You can also schedule your stories for publication a specific day and turn off at the right time, thus always have updated information.
- NO NEED INFORMATION: oGeo Manager never requests any user data such as telephone, mail, everything is handled anonymously.
- EFFECTIVE INFORMATION: Controls whom and when has received the information and if you want to prepare a survey to know the views of users.
- SEGMENTA YOUR INFORMATION: Manager you can create you oGeo groups you want to send the information accurately and orderly manner.
- You KNOW WHAT YOU COMMUNICATE: all information sent with oGeo Manager is saved to know at any time that was sent to whom and when.
- SAFETY: there can only receive information that someone in particular, oGeo Manager creates an activation code for a particular group or to one increased the level of security of our press user.