offline arabic courses APP
Now, you can learn Arabic language easily with various features in Offline Arabic Courses. Listen to the audios, take quiz and learn Quran completely offline from the app! The app hosts quite a number of features for fast Arabic learning:
✓ Words with Images and Voice
Easily recognize the commonly used Arabic words along with their images and listen to the audio voice at the same time to know how to pronounce them. Available offline
✓ Phrases and Sentences with Images and Voice
Learn Arabic sentences and phrases used commonly and remember them easily by comparing with interactive images and listening to voice of native Arabic speaker.Available offline
✓ Alphabets with Voice
Make yourself familiar with the Arabic alphabets with all pronunciations played in audio by voice of a native Arabic language speaker. Available offline
✓ Learn Quran with Voice
Learn offline Quran with voice and easy categorizations of Quran chapters.
✓ Game Exercise and Quiz
Improve your Arabic language skills by playing interactive word image exercises.
- Match Arabic voice audio and image with correct spellings of words
- Match Arabic voice audio with correct spellings
✓ Practice Arabic Writing
Write Arabic on your screen with guides on how to write the words. You can easily mark your improvements and corrections by choosing different colors for your writing. You can also listen to the audio of the words said by a native Arabic speaker.
✓ Learn How to Say the time in Arabic language
Get to know the pronunciation of any time in hour, minutes and day time in the voice of a native Arabic speaker.
✓ Regularly updated Arabic texts with audio
Receive new Arabic text and audios to learn and practice via Internet connection.
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