Odia Jataka APP
This application will display your horoscope (Jataka / Koshthi / Kundali), divisional charts, general predictions and predictions based on time lines. General predictions include the prediction about yourself, health, wealth, education, profession, marriage etc.
The timeline-based prediction provides you predication for different time periods for your entire life. It is based on Vimshottari Dasha system.
It also provides Gochara Predictions (predictions based on current positions of the planets, in other words called Transit Predictions). You can combine Vimshottari and Gochara predictions to arrive at the final predictions.
It also provides predictions based on Western Astrology. along with general predictions, it provides Western Progressed Prediction for a specific date.
Support for Odia Match Making (Vivaha Dasha Melaka) is also provided in this application.
It will also provide you information about strengths of the planets and houses, planetary aspects, longitudes of the planets, Yogakaraka planets, afflicted planets, afflicted houses, Gata Vara, Ghata Tithi, Ghata Chandra, Ghata Nakshatra etc, which can be useful by astrologers to do further analysis and predictions.
In order to get these predictions, you need to provide the date, time and place of your birth. Longitudes and Latitudes of most of towns and cities of Odisha (Orissa) and major towns and cities of India and outside India are provided as part of the application.
You can save your horoscope and open it at a later time by choosing corresponding menu items.
You can also change the look and feel of the horoscope by choosing themes and chart styles from the menu.
Many more features will be added in future.
Moreover, it is free. So, get your astrological predictions free by using this app.
The Jataka (or Koshthi) and corresponding predictions are completely in Odia (Oriya).
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