Octopus Go Agile APP
Direct price comparison as well as shifting load into Go hours option for a more realistic comparison.
View Octopus Energy Agile daily rates for your region.
View export electricity data and compare against Agile vs fixed.
View gas consumption.
- If the Go standard rate is not correctly displaying on the graph then this can be resolved by toggling the "region" setting to another region then back again forces data to be reloaded.
If this does not resolve the issue, please get in touch!
**All rates are calculated inclusive of VAT and inclusive of standing charge**
**Calculations are carried out within the Octopus Go Agile app based on Agile rates and actual consumption. Best endeavours have been made to ensure these calculations are correct. Comparisons are intended as a guide and slight rounding errors may apply. It's advisable to check the figures in the app against your own calculations**