Oceanography APP
【Topics Covered Based On Below Concepts】
*Introduction To Oceanography
*What will we learn here?
*The Water Cycle
*The Nutrient Cycle
The place of physical oceanography in science; tools and prerequisites: projections, ocean topography
*Tools and prerequisites for physical oceanography
*Topographic features of the oceans
*Objects of study in Physical Oceanography
*Properties of seawater
*The Global Oceanic Heat Budget
*Heat Budget Outputs
*Distribution of temperature and salinity with depth; the density stratification
*Acoustic Properties
*Nutrients, oxygen and growth-limiting trace metals in the ocean
*Aspects of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
*Inertial motion
*The Ekman Layer
*Thermohaline processes; water mass formation; the seasonal thermocline
*Circulation in Mediterranean Seas
*Waves of finite amplitude
*Long Waves (shallow water waves )
*Internal Waves
*Shape of the Tidal Wave
*Oceanographic instrumentation
*Towed vehicles
*Measurements of hydrographic properties
*Wave measurements