Now there is an application to simplify and speed up your viewing of catalogs and stock of our fashion products, bed linen, bed covers and blankets. Mandatory application for our Customers, Resellers and Dropshipper.
We are the Wholesale Center for Fashion Clothes and Bed Linen, Bedcovers, Blankets at the Cheapest prices, the most complete and latest motives, the goods are always up-to-date with the latest models and continually updating new products all the time. 100% Real Picture! Real Stock, Real Price, Cheapest guaranteed price (First Hand), prove it! It is suitable and profitable to be resold by Resellers or Dropship.
Make sure you install the OBDS Store application and always check our catalog, immediately order products that you like because most of our products cannot be re-stocked, always change models and motifs. Don't regret it because you didn't get it sis, bun, bro.
This application is intended for Wholesale Buyers, but it is also very suitable for those of you who shop good goods but the cheapest prices (may buy retail), also for Resellers and Dropship who want to increase the speed of response to their customers regarding the availability of stock.
Main OBDS Store Features:
- List of the most up-to-date Product Catalogs (RealTime)
- See Availability of Product Stock (RealTime)
- Real stock, which is visible in the application, means it is ready in our Offline Store
- Product Price Details
- Detailed Description of Material, Size and Product Description
- Product search
- Order products directly through the application
- Dropship directly through the application
- Supports shipping services for JNE, J&T, POST, WAHANA, TIKI, LION, and so on
- Support shipping via Cargo (for cheaper shipping)
- Postage calculations and automatic postage checks
- Supports payments through BRI, BCA, MANDIRI, GO-PAY, OVO, LinkAja, DANA and all banks connected at ATM Bersama
- Notifications every time you upload the latest catalog
- See large size image
- Download Images (for you to share on social media as your product)
- Share images directly to any social media
- Most of our products are 100% Real Picture, our own photos (only a few use pictures from our suppliers)
- Our product photos have no logo / symbol / watermark or any code that makes you free to sell without your customers knowing that your product is taken from our place.
- Complete guide on How to Order, How to Become a Reseller / Dropshipper, and Product Knowledge
- The size of our application is very small so it does not require special space on your Android device.
Additional information
- Please read the Guide or Contact CS listed on the application
- Minimum Android version is 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
- Minimum screen size recommended 4 "
- If you can't download Product Photos, make sure to allow the application to access Photos, Media and Storage on your android
- Criticism, Suggestions and Errors please send via WhatsApp to our number listed in the application for faster response (not through ratings / comments on the Play Store, app ratings / ratings not the question and answer forum)
Happy Shopping n Selling ..
OBDS Store