Complete Indonesian Methodist Hymns (NRM) for your Smartphone.

Latest Version

Jun 23, 2019

App APKs

Nyanyian Rohani Methodist (NRM APP

Digital version of NRM (Hymn Methodist) for your Smartphone, equipped with an easy search feature, a lightweight application that can run on older Android phones.

The hymn of the Methodist Church in Indonesia abbreviated as NRGMI based on digital can be used to carry out worship and other spiritual needs. The entire text of this song is adapted from the Indonesian Methodit Hymn with a Blue cover published by the Department of PI & GMI Guidance for the 1997-2001 period. Printed with permission from The Board of Publication of the Nashville, USA Methodist Church and The Methodist Conference Office, London, England. With a history of first printing in 1970, Second print in 1988, Third print in 1994, Fourth print in 2001.

NRGMI is essentially sourced from the first printed Methodist Church Songbook of Indonesia in 1970, then in order to meet the needs of the congregation for the Hymnbooks, language improvement is done to complete the songwriters' data, make numeric notes, replace songs that are less known to the congregation and add new songs.
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