National Testing ServiceTest Preparation(National Testing Service) exams test contains 20+ categories of National Testing Service MCQ'S questions and answers ranging from NAT, GAT(General and Subject), pedagogy, Math, general knowledge, a current affair to English preparation and science subjects. It provides NTS free MCQs, Past papers, and a sample preparation type papers guide. Now no need to buy new and old books for NTS test Practice. After you get the National Testing Service admission form and roll no of the National Testing Service test, you get the National Testing Service paper date sheet, Schedule then you can start preparing a test for a semi-government, government job, or private. This app is also helpful for AJK(GIKI), Comsats, Fpsc, pts, wapda test, National Testing Service IQ, educators' pedagogy.
National Testing Service MCQs Based on Different Categories
⦾ World General Knowledge MCQS 2020
⦾ MCQs Current Affairs 2020
⦾ MCQs General Knowledge 2020
⦾ MCQs Computer Science
⦾ Current Affairs MCQs (PAK)
⦾ Everyday Science MCQs
⦾ Islamiyat MCQS (Islamic Studies)
⦾ Pak Studies MCQs
⦾ Pedagogy MCQs