Notting Hill Carnival APP
- Social media style, up-to-the-minute Carnival news feed
- Map of the NHC Footprint (inc food, sound systems
- GPS mapping for the parade as well as all of carnivals key places
- Voting for annual Panorama steelband competition
- Voting for best steelband
- Voting for sound system
- Share your day with other carnivalists within in the app
- Travel Info
- Line-up and set time information
- Family section full of practical advice and guidance
NHC 2020 App will give carnival goers a simple way to stay in touch with
everything that is happening at carnival before, during and after the weekend in real time.
And it is not just about the carnival weekend itself! The app will become the digital home to
reminisce and enjoy carnival all year round. Participants will be using it as a platform to share
their content whether that be rehearsals of a steel band or the designing of the mass costumes
for 2020. Carnival lovers can share pictures and videos 365 days a year and stay engaged with
the carnival community from other events that would appeal to like minded individuals.