Notify APP
For example on a Kodi installation you can show your notifications and automatically lower the volume on an incoming or outgoing call.
Available clients can be found below
- Material Design
- Forward notifications from selected apps
- Forward call events
- Snooze the app for a chosen amount of time. (e.g. when you get visitors and don't want them to see your notifications)
- Integration to the Android Share-menu (to e.g. send a youtube-link)
- Linux desktop client
- Chrome-Browser extension
- Any great ideas? Let me know :)
What I might consider doing
- Send events via https
- Java client for windows
Featured Clients / Addons
- Kodi-Addon:
How to use
Because this app is in a very early state there is only one client available so far which is a Kodi-Addon.
Downloadlink and installation-instructions can be found on github
linuxwhatelse on Google+
BILLING: Only used for donations
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: To determine if the app is allowed to send the event (A SSID can be configured per client)
INTERNET: To send the events to your configured clients
READ_PHONE_STATE: Used to know when a new call is triggered
PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS: To gather some extra information's about the call event (This app will NEVER process an actual call)
CAMERA: Needed to add a new client via a QR-Code
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Used to reset the snooze-feature if you reboot your device