Notch Financial APP
Manage catalog and order guides: Have all your supplier catalogs on the platform. Create order guides based on supplier, category, venue layout or event-specific that makes ordering easier for your team.
Place order and chat with suppliers: Place orders online and chat directly with the suppliers to get updates about your orders.
Upload your invoices after receiving orders to update the: Take a photo of the paper invoice received at delivery, upload it to the order, and our OCR will update the order invoice accordingly.
Upload invoices of orders outside Notch: For orders that you place outside the Notch platform, you can upload the invoice so that all your invoices are stored in one place.
Approve invoice / Request for invoice approval: Your team can manage their daily ordering and invoice capture operations, and send you a request for invoice approval at the end of the work, so that you get visibility on where your money is spent on.
Pay for invoices: Pay for your invoices (for orders placed online or even place outside of Notch) with credit card or bank transfer.
Integrations to IMS: Orders placed through the system can be synced to supported IMS (MarketMan, Optimum Control) so that your inventory data is always up-to-date with purchases.
Integration to accounting system: Invoices on the system can be synced to supported accounting system (QBO) so that your accounting book is up-to-date with latest bills and payments